Master Your Senses!
Profound Sense Awakening
Enhance your practice, heal yourself from trauma & abuse and take control of your sensory experiences!
The mastery of the senses offers profound spiritual benefits, including enhanced focus and concentration, self-awareness, development of higher consciousness, cultivation of spiritual virtues, alignment with divine purpose, and practices for attainment of liberation.
Who it is for?
Individuals from all walks of life
Doctors & Healthcare Professionals
Artists & Creatives
People trying to break-free from the Kala (Time & Space) Trap
People watching YouTube Videos, Social Media Reels on Spiritual Topics
Increased Focus & Concentration
Enhanced Perception
Peace of Mind
Healing Trauma & Abuse
Siddhis/Supernatural Powers (if you are disciplined)
Learn Skills to Break-Free from the Kala (Time & Space) Bondage
Convert YouTube Teachings, Social Media Reels into Skills Necessary, Journey from Teachings to Skills Development for benefits in daily life, Embody the Wisdom!
Practical Techniques You will Learn
One-Pointed Focus & Concentration
Sensory Control (Pratyahara)
Five Senses Yoga - Chakshu Yoga | Shrauta Yoga | Rasa Yoga | Ghran Yoga | Sparsha Yoga
Expanding Consciousness
Mastering Manas (Sensory Mind)
Removing Karmic Imprints From Indriya
Ananda Yoga
Samyama For Siddhis (Supernatural Powers)
Lesson 1: The Five Senses and their Functions
Lesson 2: The Five (Pancha) Indriyas & Differences with Five Senses
Lesson 3: Existential Architecture
Lesson 4: Pancha Indriya & Waking, Dreaming, Sleeping Consciousness and Turiya
Lesson 5: Actual Perception Specifics
Lesson 6: Manas (Sensory Mind) - The Sixth Sense
Lesson 7: Manas & Karmic Imprints
Download 1: Likes & Dislikes Sorting Sheet
Download 2: Pure & Impure Sorting Sheet
Download 3: Karmic Imprints Sheet
Lesson 1: Discipline For Mastery
Lesson 2: Preliminary Practice & End Goal
Lesson 3: One-Pointed Perception
Download 4: Discipline Chart
Lesson 1: Gandha Yoga (Yoga for the Sense of Smell)
Lesson 2: Technique & Benefits | Yoga For the Smell Perception
Lesson 3: Shrauta Yoga (Yoga for the Sense of Hearing)
Lesson 4: Techniques & Benefits | Yoga For the Sound Perception
Lesson 5: Rasa Yoga (Yoga for the Sense of Taste)
Lesson 6: Techniques & Benefits | Yoga For the Taste Perception
Lesson 7: Chakshu Yoga (Yoga for the Sense of Sight)
Lesson 8: Techniques & Benefits | Yoga For the Sight Perception
Lesson 9: Sparsha Yoga (Yoga for the Sense of Touch)
Lesson 10: Techniques & Benefits | Yoga For the Touch Perception
Download 5: Sense Yoga Discipline Chart
Lesson 1: Additional Techniques to Master Five Senses
Lesson 2: Removing Karmic Imprints : Bhuta Shuddhi Initiation
Lesson 3: Advanced Practices for Mastery Over Senses
Lesson 4: Advanced Practices I - Application in Daily Life
Lesson 5: Advanced Practices II - Application in Daily Life
Lesson 1: Benefits of Overcoming Distractions and Temptations
Lesson 2: Benefits of Enhanced Concentration and Focus
Lesson 3: Spiritual Benefits of Being One-Pointedly Focused
Lesson 4: Spiritual Benefits of Expanded Consciousness
Lesson 5: Benefits of Cultivating Inner Peace and Balance
Lesson 6: Spiritual & Healing Benefits of Inner Peace, Balance & Ananda
Hurry the price for this course is going to Increase!
Awaken Your Senses To Perceive Divinity
The Master Your Senses course is an initiation into the profound practice of Yoga for the Five Senses, and each person who undertakes this journey must honour the commitment by personally paying for the course. This payment is not just a transaction—it's a vital part of the initiation process, ensuring that the spiritual practices yield actual fruition. Please do not share the course with others; each individual is responsible for their journey and must purchase it themselves.
Remember, mastering your senses begins with honesty and integrity!
Here are the reasons and problems you will solve
Many of you have lived in countries and families that have left scars of pain & suffering from patriarchy, and on top of that, religious beliefs have been carved into your minds & bodies. Now you suffer it all and want to get rid of all the social conditioning so you can express yourself freely, live as a human being and blossom as a life. All the Social, Religious, & Patriarchical Conditioning is stored in the Five Senses and Manas (Sensory Mind), which triggers reactions & thoughts of fears, inhibitions, insecurities, creates emotions to supplement & strengthen that conditioning and drags you into the perpetual cycle of feeling chained! Well, Take Charge Today, Cut those Chains of Misery, Remove all conditioning, Be Free, Be Life, and Transform yourself by Mastering Your Senses. Start Today!
Are you facing Fears that don't seem to have any connection with your current life? Did you experience a sudden Kundalini Awakening, which triggered Phobias and Paranoia? And no matter what you do, nothing helps, no medication, no therapy is working, and life seems doomed? Well, NO NEED TO THINK LIKE THAT. Master Your Senses today and remove the perceptional wiring from your senses that auto-triggers the fear, phobias, and paranoia in your body. Cleanse & get rid of those controlling impressions that behave like invisible ghosts and entities that make you suffer endlessly. End this suffering now! Master Your Senses.
Due to situations in life, many of you have your whole body-mind always on alert, always functional, and you suffer from Anxiety, Panic Attacks and breathlessness. Despite the calm situations, you find it hard to sleep and have a quiet, peaceful mind. This situation can lead to severe diseases in the body. It is happening because your Senses have stored the Impressions of past experiences and you did not know how to remove them? You were busy trying to keep yourself busier to "forget" to find relief, which never works! Master Your Senses and cleanse your Sense Perception to stop your Sensory Mind from triggering your "High Alert Sympathetic Nervous System". Attain calmness, relief from anxiety and panic, and sleep like a Baby! Master Your Senses Today!
Most of you suffer from your own Ego; your consciousness seems to be locked inside that small self, that Ego which you have got, and it always reacts, never leaving you with few seconds to process the sensory input properly and respond to situations in life. That happens because sensory perception and Manas (sensory mind) have become over-impressioned, and you quickly jump to conclusions & react; you fail to clearly perceive reality as is, and you become predictable, defensive, and always on your guard. Regularly Remove the impressions of past words, actions, intentions, and perceptions from your Senses, Renew Yourself, and your Ego will subside by itself, and your Reactionary attitude will go away. Master Your Senses Today!
Five Senses perceive 5 different things, and Mind runs uncontrollably in five different directions, and you lose the depth of perception, of wisdom, of an experience, and you chase another high in life. Master Your Senses today, integrate your five senses and Manas (Sensory Mind) to function as One Entity and increase the depth of your perception and experience to end chasing the highs & lows. Bring the necessary stillness and balance in life, in your existence. Start Your Journey Today!
Most of you are brainy and have intelligence, yet it doesn't show up in your results; you feel you lack something, and your goals in life seem unachievable. Well, the Key to unlocking the Genius Genie, a metaphor for your untapped potential, is hiding in your Senses; your Sense perception clouds & covers the Intellect. Start with the Mastery of Your Senses, be smart, intelligent, and a quick decision-maker, and give the red carpet to the genius Genie to fly. The Master Your Senses course will help you with that!
Are you suffering the compulsion, have strong habits, or have addictions (physical, psychological, sexual) that seem to have no cure? Well, all habits are stored impressions in the Senses/Indriya and can arise like a wave, primarily working on auto-pilot mode without you realising as they pollute the Sense Perception and force you to do it again. You feel guilty or are sometimes too ashamed to even talk about it. Why not remove those Impressions from your Senses permanently? Why harbour guilt or shame? Take Charge Today; start by Mastering Your Senses and removing the impressions. Be Free From Compulsions!
Many of you suffer from compulsive obsession towards another person who might not be yours, with a high chance of never being yours. Yet, you cannot stop; you struggle with the intense emotions that arise within and consume you for days, weeks and months, only to throw you into a cycle of anxiety & pain. You Hate To Love Them So Much! Long-lasting passion or obsession is a State of Indriya/Senses where the impressions are locked; it's like writing on the stone. These impressions create emotions and thoughts and run you into a cycle of pain & suffering. Cleanse Yourself of these life-sucking Indriya/Karmic Impressions, and Master Your Senses. Start Today!
When bad breakups happen, the heartache could stop the life energy in you. You feel depressed, energyless most of the time, and disinterested in life. Because your partner has left a Karmic Impression so deep which can last for years and create havoc in your life. It will impact all future relationships. Why not get rid of the Past in a Healthy Way? Why not "delete" the Karmic Impressions? It will help you not only survive but also thrive! And you will be New Again, ready for a positive, loving relationship; you will be able to Love Again! Start today with the "Master Your Senses" Course.
When a loved one passes away, the Indriya/Senses hold the Karmic Impressions for a long time, which changes the body chemistry, creates emotional turmoil, and stops you from moving on healthily. Daily routine and the pressures of life force you to suppress the grief, which later results in health issues. Take Charge Today, Remove the Karmic Imprints, Master Your Senses, and integrate the grief process so it doesn't disintegrate the being that you are. No need to suffer more. Start Today!
At times, life serves you with people who do not deserve you, and they can give you pain and suffering, and an overwhelming emotional turmoil drowns you to the deep end. But enough is enough! Take Charge of your Joy, your inner happiness today. Master Your Senses and get rid of the suffering within. Remove the past impressions from your Indriya/Sense Perception and revive yourself. Shine like a bright light again!
Many of you are brimming with brilliant business ideas, yet you struggle to find the clarity, vision, and courage to act on them. You wait, hoping for some magical moment. But the magic is already happening. Entrepreneurs are mastering their senses to develop visions, clarity, and courage, and you have the opportunity to join them. Why wait?
Tired of waiting for promotions and recognition to happen, only to see coworkers seemingly effortlessly achieving success. But it's time to take control of your life, career, and success. It's not just a matter of importance; it's your responsibility. Seize It Now. Master Your Senses and attain supernatural powers of focus, concentration and clarity to lead your professional life your way.
Art is not created; it happens to you. Many of you have been struggling with creative blockages that seem like unbreakable walls, stopping you from the wealth you could have generated. This happens as Sense Perception becomes too impressed due to your past creative efforts. Remove such impressions and free your Senses to perceive and be inspired from beyond; allow the Art and the Creativity to Happen to you, and take your Creativity to the Level where it becomes a Source of Abundant Wealth and Joy for you. Be the artist of Levels Beyond!
As the time cycle goes on, many of you will awaken, rise, and go through spiritual ascension. Most of the time, it happens suddenly, as an event and feels more like an accident because your senses are still running in an uncontrolled manner, where your perceptions are not able to make sense, and you are not able to go beyond your lower mind to integrate the spiritual experiences, it becomes an everyday struggle. Start Mastering Your Senses Today and prepare yourself to seamlessly embody the Spiritual Awakening you will experience soon. If you already had one, be more brilliant and prepare for the next one. Start Today!
Many of you have had an accidental Kundalini or Chakras awakening, which has unleashed the horrors in your life, left you scrambling the pieces of the life that you are, and shattered your future dreams by leaving you incapable of functioning properly in life. Mastering Your Senses is "mandatory" to eliminate the pitfalls of sudden Kundalini Awakening, so whether it has awakened in you already and you are suffering, or it is about to happen, you need to take charge today and start mastering your senses, so you are in control when awakenings happen.
Your senses and the subjects they subscribe to keep your Consciousness divided and weak, and you find it hard to ascend and awaken your Chakras and spearhead your spiritual seeking. Only through Mastering Your Senses are you able to integrate Consciousness and unleash the laser-sharp powers that not only awaken your chakras but also help you balance them by removing the blockages. Take Charge of your Spiritual journey today and eliminate the visible and subtle subscriptions from your senses. These could be anything from negative thoughts to compulsive desires. You can start progressing in your spiritual growth by identifying and removing these.
Many of you secretly wish to have superpowers, and many of you had them in some lifetime; many of you are here to attain them in this lifetime and fulfil your divine life purpose. The first step, though, to attain any superpower is to Master Your Senses, as each supernatural power is an extension of one or more Senses. You, as an individual, play a significant role in this journey. You need enhanced perception beyond ordinary sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch. Learn techniques through this course to go beyond the limitations of your senses and attain supernatural powers.
Are you feeling confused about your gender identity or struggling to reconcile your biological gender with how you truly feel? These challenges are rooted in past gender identifications & experiences and deep-seated karmic impressions from the senses. It's time to release these old patterns, embrace your authentic self, and realign your energy body. Start the Master Your Senses course today to clear these imprints, align with your true identity, and find the clarity and confidence you deserve. Take this empowering step towards self-discovery and inner peace, and start living as your most genuine self.
These inner conflicts stem from past sexual identifications, events and karmic impressions deeply embedded in your senses & sensory mind and the social conditioning done to you. It's time to free yourself from these limiting patterns and all the conditioning to embrace your true nature. Start the Master Your Senses course today to clear these imprints, gain clarity, and find the self-acceptance you need to live authentically. Take this powerful step toward inner harmony and self-assurance, and align with your truest self.
Are you suffering from a disability, physical deformity, or medical condition? While your senses or physical body may contain limitations, know that your Indriya and Etheric Body are always complete and fully capable. There is no need to suffer mentally or emotionally. It's time to release past karmic imprints and embrace the wholeness within. Start the Master Your Senses course today to cleanse these imprints and connect with your true, limitless self. Empower yourself beyond physical limitations and discover the inner strength and peace that are inherently yours.
These sensory impressions can create mental and emotional overload, leaving you anxious, distracted, and unable to find peace. But there's no need to suffer. It's time to unload this burden, release the overload, and reclaim your focus and tranquillity. Start the Master Your Senses course today to clear these impressions, restore your inner calm, and regain control over your mind and emotions. Reconnect with your true self and find the peace you've been missing.
As a doctor, nurse, paramedic, or trauma staff, you absorb the pain, trauma, and suffering of others through all five senses. This constant exposure can lead to emotional overload and burnout. But there’s no need to carry this burden. The Master Your Senses course equips you with the knowledge and techniques to delete these sensory impressions and unload your perceptional bucket regularly. Enrolling in this course can release this overload, restore your inner balance, and maintain your emotional well-being while caring for others.
As a police officer, security staff, firefighter, or emergency responder, you constantly absorb the pain, trauma, and suffering of others through all five senses. This relentless exposure can weigh heavily on your mind and heart. But there’s no need to carry this burden alone. You must learn how to delete these sensory impressions and unload your perceptional bucket regularly. Start the Master Your Senses course today to release this overload, regain your emotional strength, and continue serving others with a clear mind and resilient spirit.
For seekers preparing to attend a spiritual initiation, Satsang, or any spiritual program or retreat, the Master Your Senses course is an essential step in your journey. This course offers powerful purification and preparation, helping you clear the sensory clutter and align your mind and spirit. By mastering your senses, you enter these sacred spaces with heightened clarity, focus, and receptivity, allowing you to fully receive the blessings and wisdom of the experience. Start your purification now and prepare yourself for the deep spiritual transformation that awaits.
Are you a Reiki practitioner, energy worker, pranic healer or in a similar profession? The Master Your Senses course is the key to deepening your practice and enhancing your healing abilities. By purifying and mastering your senses, you can clear your energetic channels, allowing you to work with greater precision, clarity, and effectiveness. This course will help you better manage the energies you encounter, ensuring that your healing work is both powerful and balanced. Elevate your practice by starting the Master Your Senses course today and experience a profound shift in your healing journey.
The Master Your Senses course is a powerful tool for safeguarding your energy and maintaining emotional balance in your work. By mastering your senses, you can create clear boundaries, protect yourself from absorbing others' energies, and ensure that you remain grounded and centred. This course will help you purify your senses, allowing you to approach your work with a heightened sense of clarity, focus, and self-care. Begin the Master Your Senses course today to empower yourself and enhance your well-being in your professional journey.
Life experiences have forced your Senses, your Indriya, to run uncontrollably; hence, you have learned to suppress in a way that now you are Numb to Life! You have created an armour around you that keeps you protected yet shielded from Love & Abundance; you are scared to take off this armour so as not to get hurt again. However, mastering your senses helps you remove the past impressions from your senses and clears your perception, liberating you from this armour and making you open to life, love, and abundance around you. It helps you see the Entire Universe as your Safety Net and enables you to become Indriya Jaya (Master of Your Senses).
You are laborious; instead of being smart & intelligent, you put more hours into your studies and career, yet you constantly find yourself lagging behind compared to those who spend less time & effort and are yet able to spearhead. By mastering your Senses and attaining the supernatural power of Concentration and focus (Dharana), you can become a high achiever with less effort. This mastery will put you in control, allowing you to spend less time yet hit the bullseye in life, feeling empowered and in charge.
Your Mind is burdened with worries all the time, past events run like a recorded script, and no matter how hard you try, your senses keep you in a constant loop of restlessness, anxiety, and mental disturbance, giving you sleepless nights, swollen eyes, and a crying heart. Learn techniques to Master Your Senses and achieve a peaceful, calm state of Mind, and Fill your Heart with Peace, Bliss, and Love (Ananda), which heals like nothing else.
Have you ever wondered why you're here, living the life you are, and what your divine purpose is? The journey of Mastering Your Senses is a fascinating one. As you embark on it, your perception will no longer cloud your vision. You'll begin to unravel the mystery of your life's Divine Purpose, and you'll be able to see beyond. This journey will lead you to align with your life's purpose, enabling you to achieve and do what you came here on this planet to do in this time and era.
It's a common struggle to fully heal from past traumas, as your senses can keep you tethered to the suffering. But by learning and practising techniques to heal yourself, you can gain the power to Master your Senses. This will help you remove the biological and cellular signature of past traumas and heal yourself from within and without, leading to a life free from suffering.
You have watched hundreds of hours of YouTube Videos on spirituality, yet you remain empty within, struggle to apply teachings to daily life, and cannot embody wisdom. The key to your growth lies in your hands. You can take control of your personal growth by converting the teachings you have learnt into the Skills necessary to live life in Modern Times. Remember, the application of Teachings is cultivating Skills!
Regardless of your Sadhana or spiritual Practices, the Time and Space (Kala) Trap remains a formidable obstacle. In their perpetual motion, your senses keep you ensnared in the infinite loop of the Time and Space Continuum. To transcend this, it is crucial to Master Your Senses and liberate yourself from the Kala (Time and space) bondage, the ultimate goal of your spiritual journey!
Unfortunately, some of you have had accidents and tragic events in life, and you are still suffering mental & emotional wounds. Your sensory perception is overwhelmed and is generating suffering on its own; the memory of it sends a shiver down your spine. Well, senses get the impression in a real-hard manner when a tragic, unfortunate event strikes. But these impressions can be deleted, and the sensory mind can be disconnected so it doesn't run the event on autopilot. Get Up, Take Charge of your body and your mind. Start Mastering the Senses today!
Are you tired of feeling trapped by a victim mentality or struggling with a poverty mindset? These deep-rooted karmic impressions can hold you back from living a life of abundance, empowerment, and fulfilment. It's time to break free from these limiting patterns and reclaim your true potential. Start the Master Your Senses course today and begin the journey to transform these imprints, cultivating a mindset of strength, prosperity, and self-mastery. Don't let these invisible barriers dictate your life any longer—embrace the change and step into a brighter future.