7 Main Chakras | 6 Healing Chakras | 6 Imp Minors

Most people focus on the seven main Chakras from the Etheric body layers perspective only and miss out on learning and exploring from the holistic purpose by understanding the five-sheath human design understanding the impact of Chakra Blockages. Understanding the Mind-Body patterns (Vasanas/Chitta-Vrittis) attached to each Chakra is essential to remove the chakra blockages and further transform yourself. 

Hardly anyone teaches & focuses on six minor chakras and six Healing Chakras, which are crucial in the spiritual journey of a seeker and an average person to maintain a healthy body-mind.

Living the worldly life with open & closed Chakras makes much difference in fulfilling desires and the purpose of life.

Once you open & balance the Chakras, can they close again? How to handle that? How to navigate safely without pitfalls? How to permanently balance a Chakra and rise above?

All these questions are answered in detail in this course. 

Course curriculum

    1. Exploring Chakras Ancient Wisdom

    1. Muladhara Awakening

    1. Swadhisthana Awakening

    1. Manipura Awakening

    1. Anahata Awakening

    1. Vishuddhi Awakening

About this course

  • 12 lessons
  • 3.5 hours of video content